Battle Object Adventure:Chapter 1c

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1c


You are now Screwdriver. What will you do?

Screwdriver: Beg.


Icon-Screwdriver.png Ahaha, hey, it's... it's all good!
Icon-Gun.png Sure, that's what you WANT me to think.
Icon-Screwdriver.png Look, I wasn't spying on your team!
Icon-Screwdriver.png I just like to sit up here!
Icon-Screwdriver.png Do you think you could just... not shoot me?
Icon-Gun.png Shoot you?
Icon-Gun.png When did I say I was going to shoot you?
Icon-Screwdriver.png Oh, are you just... looking at me?
Icon-Screwdriver.png No offense but it's kind of hard to tell.

Screwdriver: Ask to join Gun's team.


Icon-Screwdriver.png You know, I could join your team, if you want!
Icon-Gun.png Our team is full.
Icon-Gun.png Not that you didn't know that, since you're spying on us.
Icon-Screwdriver.png Hey! This is just my favorite place to sit!
Icon-Screwdriver.png It's not my fault you guys showed up and started talking!

Screwdriver: Get someone to back you up.


Icon-Screwdriver.png Come on, back me up here, Jiggy!
Icon-Jigsaw.png Yeah, he never sits here.
Icon-Screwdriver.png Wh-
Icon-Jigsaw.png Like, ever.
Icon-Jigsaw.png I never see him anywhere near here usually.
Icon-Gun.png Interesting...

Jigsaw: Get someone to back you up.


Icon-Jigsaw.png Steno, back me up here!
Icon-Steno.png I wasn't really paying attention.
Icon-Steno.png But Jigsaw's smart, so whatever she said is probably true.
Icon-Screwdriver.png Are you shitting me right now???

Gun: Interrogate Jigsaw. What is she doing here, anyway??


Icon-Gun.png Well, Jigsaw, what are you doing here then?
Icon-Jigsaw.png I was...
Icon-Jigsaw.png Well, I was following—
Icon-Steno.png The three of us are here because we're a team.
Icon-Steno.png And Screwdriver likes to sit here.
Icon-Steno.png It's his favorite spot.

Screwdriver: Scold Jigsaw for lying about you.


Nah, not worth it.

Gun: Leave the team cuz you notice there are too many grey people and you simply don't like that.


Icon-Gun.png I'm leaving this team, I've decided.
Icon-Gun.png There's too many gray people here.
Icon-Flip Phone.png But I'm the only gray person...
Icon-Gun.png Yeah... sorry.
Icon-9 Volt.png Okay, have fun then.

Gun: Find a team that has no gray people.


Icon-Corkboard.png Gun! Oh my corkboard! What's up?
Icon-Gun.png I'm looking for a team to join.
Icon-Gun.png And you seem to fit the bill!
Icon-Gun.png Will you accept me into your group?
Icon-Hot Sauce.png Oh sure! Yeah, nice!
Icon-Gun.png Excellent.
Icon-Orange Slice.png Wait, really? Her?
Icon-Gun.png Something the matter?
Icon-Orange Slice.png (um, is she threatening me?)
Icon-Corkboard.png (it's hard to tell, but she's cool)

9 Volt: Gossip about Gun now that she's gone.


Icon-9 Volt.png Finally! She's gone.
Icon-9 Volt.png Ugh, I mean, she's so snippy!
Icon-Flip Phone.png Aren't you the one who invited her onto our team though?
Icon-Flip Phone.png Plus, you even turned down Orange Slice, in favor of keeping her.
Icon-9 Volt.png Well. Well, I
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-9 Volt.png I don't know, she just pisses me off sometimes.
Icon-Flip Phone.png Like how?
Icon-9 Volt.png What?
Icon-Flip Phone.png Like, how?
Icon-Flip Phone.png How does she annoy you sometimes?
Icon-9 Volt.png Well I specifically said "pisses me off" but it's like,
Icon-9 Volt.png it's like, do you ever have that friend...
Icon-9 Volt.png ...who's just ... a gun?
Icon-Flip Phone.png, yes?

Coiny Jr: Assert dominance over your dwindling team members to make up for your short stature.


Icon-Coiny Jr.png ATTENTION!
Icon-Coiny Jr.png Seeing as our most strongest teammate has left us,
Icon-Coiny Jr.png I have no choice but to assume command of this team!
Icon-9 Volt.png Mmhm...
Icon-K .png mroo?

Micro SD: Cry tears of fear because your teammate has become scary.


Icon-Micro SD.png Nuhh, hnh, I...
Icon-Micro SD.png Coiny Jr, do you have to be so scary?
Icon-Coiny Jr.png Hm. An interesting question!
Icon-Coiny Jr.png A leader should be fearful, should he not?
Icon-Coiny Jr.png I, I mean fear-inducing.
Icon-Coiny Jr.png Unless fearful already means that?

Flip Phone: Space out and contemplate what it means to be gray.


Icon-Flip Phone.png Gray... gray...
Icon-Flip Phone.png You know, this all even happened because I was gray.
Icon-Flip Phone.png Wait, am I even gray? I feel like I'm a little green...

9 Volt: Interrupt.


Icon-9 Volt.png Look, it's not your fault she left, okay?
Icon-Flip Phone.png Oh, um, right.
Icon-Flip Phone.png Still, we have a gap in our team composition now, don't we.
Icon-9 Volt.png That's a good point. Do you know anyone?
Icon-Flip Phone.png Actually? I think I see- hold on,

Flip Phone: Try to call someone to replace Gun.


Icon-Flip Phone.png HEY! BACON!
Icon-Bacon.png Oh, sup Flippy!
Icon-9 Volt.png Heheh, "Flippy"...
Icon-Flip Phone.png We need one more person on our-
Icon-Bacon.png Say no more! I'm in!
Icon-Flip Phone.png Sweet!
Icon-9 Volt.png You're lucky he was about to say "team"...
Icon-9 Volt.png I mean, can you imagine if he was going to say...
Icon-9 Volt.png Um...
Icon-Bacon.png Yeah?
Icon-9 Volt.png Uh, "we need one more person on our..."
Icon-9 Volt.png
Icon-9 Volt.png "...our... boooat??"
Icon-Bacon.png Your boat.
Icon-9 Volt.png Yeah! I mean, I don't know! Maybe he has a boat!

Be someone from a team we haven't seen yet.


You are now Melty. What will you do?

Melty: Decide to establish a set of team rules.


Icon-Melty.png Let's establish a set of team rules!
Icon-Banner.png Ooo, smart! What should the first rule be?

Plasma Pin: Make the first rule "deserters will be punished".


Icon-Plasma Pin.png The first rule should be...
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Deserters will be punished!
Icon-Melty.png ...
Icon-Ottoman.png ...
Icon-Banner.png ...


Icon-Melty.png Sounds great!

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1d