Battle Object Adventure:Chapter 1c
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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1c
You are now Screwdriver. What will you do?
Screwdriver: Beg.
Ahaha, hey, it's... it's all good!
Sure, that's what you WANT me to think.
Look, I wasn't spying on your team!
I just like to sit up here!
Do you think you could just... not shoot me?
Shoot you?
When did I say I was going to shoot you?
Oh, are you just... looking at me?
No offense but it's kind of hard to tell.
Screwdriver: Ask to join Gun's team.
You know, I could join your team, if you want!
Our team is full.
Not that you didn't know that, since you're spying on us.
Hey! This is just my favorite place to sit!
It's not my fault you guys showed up and started talking!
Screwdriver: Get someone to back you up.
Come on, back me up here, Jiggy!
Yeah, he never sits here.
Like, ever.
I never see him anywhere near here usually.
Jigsaw: Get someone to back you up.
Steno, back me up here!
I wasn't really paying attention.
But Jigsaw's smart, so whatever she said is probably true.
Are you shitting me right now???
Gun: Interrogate Jigsaw. What is she doing here, anyway??
Well, Jigsaw, what are you doing here then?
I was...
Well, I was following—
The three of us are here because we're a team.
And Screwdriver likes to sit here.
It's his favorite spot.
Screwdriver: Scold Jigsaw for lying about you.
Nah, not worth it.
Gun: Leave the team cuz you notice there are too many grey people and you simply don't like that.
I'm leaving this team, I've decided.
There's too many gray people here.
But I'm the only gray person...
Yeah... sorry.
Okay, have fun then.
Gun: Find a team that has no gray people.
Gun! Oh my corkboard! What's up?
I'm looking for a team to join.
And you seem to fit the bill!
Will you accept me into your group?
Oh sure! Yeah, nice!
Wait, really? Her?
Something the matter?
(um, is she threatening me?)
(it's hard to tell, but she's cool)
9 Volt: Gossip about Gun now that she's gone.
Finally! She's gone.
Ugh, I mean, she's so snippy!
Aren't you the one who invited her onto our team though?
Plus, you even turned down Orange Slice, in favor of keeping her.
Well. Well, I
I don't know, she just pisses me off sometimes.
Like how?
Like, how?
How does she annoy you sometimes?
Well I specifically said "pisses me off" but it's like,
it's like, do you ever have that friend...
...who's just ... a gun?, yes?
Coiny Jr: Assert dominance over your dwindling team members to make up for your short stature.
Seeing as our most strongest teammate has left us,
I have no choice but to assume command of this team!
Micro SD: Cry tears of fear because your teammate has become scary.
Nuhh, hnh, I...
Coiny Jr, do you have to be so scary?
Hm. An interesting question!
A leader should be fearful, should he not?
I, I mean fear-inducing.
Unless fearful already means that?
Flip Phone: Space out and contemplate what it means to be gray.
Gray... gray...
You know, this all even happened because I was gray.
Wait, am I even gray? I feel like I'm a little green...
9 Volt: Interrupt.
Look, it's not your fault she left, okay?
Oh, um, right.
Still, we have a gap in our team composition now, don't we.
That's a good point. Do you know anyone?
Actually? I think I see- hold on,
Flip Phone: Try to call someone to replace Gun.
Oh, sup Flippy!
Heheh, "Flippy"...
We need one more person on our-
Say no more! I'm in!
You're lucky he was about to say "team"...
I mean, can you imagine if he was going to say...
Uh, "we need one more person on our..."
"...our... boooat??"
Your boat.
Yeah! I mean, I don't know! Maybe he has a boat!
Be someone from a team we haven't seen yet.
You are now Melty. What will you do?
Melty: Decide to establish a set of team rules.
Plasma Pin: Make the first rule "deserters will be punished".
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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1d |