Battle Object Adventure:Chapter 1b

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1b


Icon-Orange Slice.png Fine! Guess you'll be missing out on THIS!!!

Use your dancing ability to attract the attention of an incomplete team.


Icon-Hot Sauce.png Hey, cool dance!
Icon-Hot Sauce.png That was such a cool dance!
Icon-Hot Sauce.png You should join our team!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Epic!!!

Warmly introduce yourself to your new teammates!


Icon-Orange Slice.png This is so great!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Now I've been picked for a team!
Icon-Orange Slice.png And not just for no reason...
Icon-Orange Slice.png ...for my talents!
Icon-Orange Slice.png This is so epic!!!
Icon-Deuce Blank.png It was a very impressive dance, for sure.
Icon-Hot Sauce.png Wanna head over there to see if we can find anyone else for our team?
Icon-Orange Slice.png You know it, pal!

Become Corkboard and leave the team so you can team up with Slicey.


Icon-Corkboard.png Waaaait!
Icon-Corkboard.png That... that dance...
Icon-Corkboard.png I'm so sorry for ever doubting you.
Icon-Corkboard.png Please let me join your team!!!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Hah, well,
Icon-Hot Sauce.png Oh sure! Yeah!
Icon-Hot Sauce.png Nice, now we have a team of four!
Icon-Orange Slice.png I'm glad you recognized my true potential, heh.

Orange Slice: Trip and eat shit mid dance.


Bonk! Thankfully nobody saw.

Orange Slice: Head over there to see if we can find anyone else for our team.


Icon-Orange Slice.png Hey! Letter! Join our team!

Existy: Cope with the complex feelings of betrayal and hurt at Corkboard's team switch.


Icon-Existy.png Oh, this is so typical.
Icon-Existy.png I knew I shouldn't have trusted Corky.
Icon-Renty.png Hey! You never know!
Icon-Existy.png ...never know what?
Icon-Renty.png Anything, really.

Become Letter.


You are now Letter.

Letter: Tell Slicey off for just allowing random people into the team! And do a silly laugh.


Icon-Letter.png Well, now I don't know if I want to join this team.
Icon-Letter.png If you're just accepting anyone.
Icon-Letter.png Hee hah heeyahh!

Letter: Fall over because of your UNFORTUNATE ANATOMY.


Icon-Letter.png Ack!
Icon-Orange Slice.png So are you in or what?

Letter: Patiently wait for a gust of wind to blow you away.


Icon-Orange Slice.png I'll take that as a no.

Coexisty: Quickly grab Letter out of the sky!!!


Icon-Coexisty.png Yoink!

Coexisty: Open Letter to see what's inside, thinking it's for you.


Hmm! Looks like there's a note in here!

Existy: Command Coexisty to put him down.


Icon-Existy.png Coexisty, you should probably put him down.

Coexisty: Throw Letter back where he came from. Everyone loves a game of catch!


Well, the wind has other plans.

Be K.


You are now K. What will you do?

K: Wiggle.



K: Administer first aid to Coiny Jr.


You don't see a first aid kit anywhere...

K: Poke Coiny Jr to see if he's alive.


Icon-K .png mroo?
Icon-Coiny Jr.png nnnngh

K: Say hi to Gun and ask for medical advice.


Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-Flip Phone.png Gun, I think she's trying to get your attention.
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-Gun.png Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?

Flip Phone: Ask if it's more important than Coiny Jr.


Icon-Flip Phone.png Is it more important than Coiny Jr?
Icon-Gun.png He's fine, there's no way the drop was high enough to injure him.
Icon-Coiny Jr.png I feel like I was slapped in the face at least!

9 Volt: Ask what Gun is doing.


Icon-9 Volt.png Well what's so important over there anyway?
Icon-Gun.png I'm keeping lookout!
Icon-Gun.png I don't want any other teams spying on us.

Become one of the people Gun is keeping lookout on.


You are now Screwdriver. What will you do?

Next Chapter
Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1c