Battle Object Adventure:Chapter 1a

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1a


Icon-Septagon.png OKAY EVERYONE
Icon-Jelly.png FFS...

Freak out because 6 is your favourite number.


Icon-Blueberry Juice.png HOLY SHIT!!! GUYS!!!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png GUYS THAT'S MY FAVORITE NUMBER!!!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png I LOVE THE NUMBER 6!!!

Become Coexisty.


You are now Coexisty. What will you do?

Be on a team with Existy.


Icon-Coexisty.png Existy! Team up with me!!!!!
Icon-Existy.png Huh? Oh! Yeah, um, of course!
Icon-Coexisty.png Yes! Now we just have four people to go!

Team up with Blueberry Juice.


Icon-Coexisty.png Juicey! Ya gotta be on our team!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png Sure, I can, on one condition!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png We name the team something to do with my favorite number!
Icon-Coexisty.png Oh, no problem! I promise!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png Yes! Let's goooo!
Icon-Coexisty.png High five!

Spill Blueberry Juice by accident.


Icon-Blueberry Juice.png I... I wanted a high six...

Ask Mary Sue to join the team.


Icon-Coexisty.png Hey Mary! Join our team!
Icon-Coexisty.png It'll be fun! I promise!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Well, I can't argue with that!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Plus, if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't even be competing!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Well, you guys and Slicey...

Ponder where Slicey is.


Icon-Coexisty.png Hey, where is Slicey anyways?
Icon-Mary Sue.png I'm not su—
Icon-Mary Sue.png HEY WAIT, WHERE'S MY CROWN?!

Become Slicey again.


You are now Orange Slice. You're in the middle of a very important conversation. What will you do?

Continue to have conversation.


Icon-Orange Slice.png And that's how I earned this crown all on my own!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Anyway, thanks for the conversation.
Icon-Orange Slice.png It's been great discussing everyone's peelings!
Icon-Micro SD.png Guys, I don't think we should condone stealing...
Icon-Orange Slice.png Stealing? Where?

Wonder what the first challenge is going to be.


Icon-Orange Slice.png You know, I wonder what the first challenge will be!
Icon-Flip Phone.png For some reason, I feel like it's going to be a race to the finish.
Icon-Flip Phone.png I don't know why, I just feel it.
Icon-Micro SD.png I just hope it's something I'm good at...

Think about teams.


Icon-Orange Slice.png So, about teams...
Icon-Flip Phone.png Oh, if you wanted to join ours, I should mention that our team is actually full!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Wait, what?
Icon-9 Volt.png Yeah, the other two are right over there.

Become Micro SD.


You are now Micro SD. What will you do?

Be friendly with K and explain your name.


Icon-Micro SD.png Hey K, you've been kinda quiet. You alright?
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-Micro SD.png Well, I'm not sure what you just said, but do you want me to explain what my name means?
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-Micro SD.png Well, it... I don't actually know. I guess I could look it up, but the library's kinda far...

Ask Coiny Jr if he knows.


Icon-Micro SD.png Coiny Jr, do you know?
Icon-Coiny Jr.png No, but I had an interesting thought.
Icon-Micro SD.png Oh? What was it?
Icon-K .png mroo
Icon-Coiny Jr.png If the six of us are all on a team, and we're all friends, doesn't that mean we'll have to eliminate a friend if we lose?
Icon-Micro SD.png O-oh, that's... I hope it's- I hope we don't... lose...

Be Slicey and look for a not-full team to the llleft?


Uh oh.

Icon-Mary Sue.png Excuse me, Slicey...
Icon-Orange Slice.png You... you're excused!
Icon-Mary Sue.png My crown has been STOLEN!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Ah, well actually-
Icon-Mary Sue.png You know how bad stealing is, right?
Icon-Orange Slice.png Oh, of, of course, which is why-
Icon-Mary Sue.png So you're just as upset as me then!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Can you help me figure out who stole my crown?
Icon-Orange Slice.png I- um,

Offer her "your" crown as a replacement.


Icon-Orange Slice.png Here, why don't you take mine?
Icon-Mary Sue.png Wow, wow! This...
Icon-Mary Sue.png This is even better than the other one!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Thank you! I owe ya one!
Icon-Orange Slice.png Aheh...

Ask the group if they know where you can find a team to join.


Icon-Orange Slice.png So, do you know about any teams I can join?
Icon-Orange Slice.png Where I can find some?
Icon-Mary Sue.png Well, after you helped me so kindly, I would let you join our team, but...
Icon-Corkboard.png It's full, idiot!
Icon-Corkboard.png Can't you see there's six people here?
Icon-Orange Slice.png Well, that doesn't really tell me you're on a team.
Icon-Renty.png Guess you'll have to find a team somewhere else!
Icon-Renty.png Hee hee hee!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Well, I hope you find a team!
Icon-Corkboard.png Of course they're going to find a team!
Icon-Corkboard.png With 6 teams of 6 and 36 players, everyone will end up with someone.
Icon-Orange Slice.png Yeah, right, I actually did see that there were six people here idiot.
Icon-Orange Slice.png Anyway, part of my question was if you knew where other teams are!
Icon-Orange Slice.png I don't want to end up with a bunch of weirdos who don't even want me.
Icon-Renty.png There's bound to be some off to the left!
Icon-Renty.png But be careful!
Icon-Orange Slice.png What? Why?
Icon-Renty.png Just in general! Just in general be careful!
Icon-Renty.png Hee hee hee!

Kick Corkboard off of this team.


Icon-Orange Slice.png Actually? Fuck it, you know what?
Icon-Orange Slice.png Corkboard, I think you're the one who should leave.
Icon-Corkboard.png WHAT
Icon-Orange Slice.png I think this team would appreciate me more than you.
Icon-Orange Slice.png So I think you should scram!
Icon-Blueberry Juice.png Can they just do that?
Icon-Renty.png Hoho, do I sense a fight brewing?
Icon-Existy.png No. Renty, no.
Icon-Existy.png You do not sense a fight brewing.
Icon-Existy.png Look, we all want corkboard on our team.
Icon-Existy.png That's why we picked her!
Icon-Existy.png So, I'm sorry to-
Icon-Existy.png I mean, I guess what I want to say is that our team is full.
Icon-Orange Slice.png Yeah well it was worth a shot.
Icon-Orange Slice.png Yolo!
Icon-Mary Sue.png Look, how about, even if we're not on the same team...
Icon-Mary Sue.png The two of us form an alliance!
Icon-Orange Slice.png That works!
Icon-Corkboard.png DO YOU HEAR THIS???
Icon-Existy.png I'm going to... pretend I didn't.
Icon-Existy.png It's just easier this way...

Do a little dance to show the team what they’re missing out on.


Icon-Orange Slice.png Fine! Guess you'll be missing out on THIS!!!

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1b