Battle Object Adventure:Chapter 1d

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Battle Object Adventure: Chapter 1d


Icon-Plasma Pin.png The first rule should be...
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Deserters will be punished!
Icon-Melty.png ...
Icon-Ottoman.png ...
Icon-Banner.png ...


Icon-Melty.png Sounds great!

Ottoman: ask if Plasma Pin is the seldom-mentioned fourth state of matter.


Icon-Ottoman.png Hey PP, are you actually the seldom-mentioned fourth state of matter? Just wondering.
Icon-Plasma Pin.png
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Second rule: don't talk about plasma.

Banner: Come up with a catchy team phrase.


Icon-Banner.png How about this!
Icon-Banner.png Let's come up with a catchy team phrase!
Icon-Melty.png Like a team catch phrase?
Icon-Banner.png Yeah, but more catchy and less catch.
Icon-Melty.png What's the catch?
Icon-Banner.png What?
Icon-Plasma Pin.png How about, Team Plasma!
Icon-Banner.png Well first of all, that's more of a team name,
Icon-Banner.png and second of all,
Icon-Melty.png Wait, didn't you just say not to talk about plasma?
Icon-Banner.png yeah that.
Icon-Plasma Pin.png What counts as a catchy team phrase then?
Icon-Banner.png Uh...
Icon-Melty.png Something we can all say when something happens!
Icon-Melty.png Like...
Icon-Melty.png like "Oh my... j... jumpy!"
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Jumpy? Where'd you get that from?
Icon-Melty.png I dunno, I guess I just like jumping.
Icon-Banner.png Well, I've never seen you jump, personally.

Melty: Jump. Defend your honor.


Icon-Melty.png S-see??
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Whoa, nice jump!
Icon-Plasma Pin.png I can't jump.
Icon-Banner.png I guess that's a jump?
Icon-Banner.png I mean, it's not much.

Ottoman: Jump higher than Melty.


Icon-Ottoman.png Hah! I can do a lot better than that!
Icon-Banner.png Oof!!!
Icon-Melty.png N-no way...



Icon-Plasma Pin.png Oh my jump!

Letter: Say hi.


Icon-Letter.png Hi!
Icon-Banner.png Oh hey Letter.
Icon-Plasma Pin.png Where did you come from??

Banner: Ask for the note inside Letter like really nicely.


Icon-Banner.png Hey, what's that note inside you, Letter?
Icon-Banner.png Think I could maybe take a peek?
Icon-Letter.png No.
Icon-Banner.png Ahaha, alright. Worth a try!

We cut to a new group of friends.


Here they are!

B: Jump off.


Icon-SD.png Got you!!!
Icon-B .png Wuh! Oh, thanks?
Icon-B .png I mean, I jumped off on purpose.
Icon-SD.png What why?
Icon-B .png I wanted to know what's in this pit!
Icon-B .png Don't you?
Icon-SD.png Not really.
Icon-SD.png I can fly, so there's not much mystery to it.

SD: Fly to the bottom of the pit.


Icon-SD.png See? It's not that mysterious.
Icon-B .png Yeah alright.

B: Search the pit to see if there are any teammates you could find hiding down here!


Icon-B .png Hey look, here's someone who can be our teammate!
Icon-SD.png Ooh, nice find!
Icon-B .png Hey Barrel! Hey!
Icon-Barrel.png Hm?
Icon-B .png Are you on the object show?
Icon-Barrel.png I was, but then I fell down here...
Icon-Barrel.png So I'm pretty sure I'm disqualified.

B: Tell Barrel that falling was not against the rules.


Icon-B .png Well, I don't think you need to worry.
Icon-B .png Falling wasn't against the rules.
Icon-SD.png So you're still in!
Icon-B .png Technically, falling might even be part of the first challenge!
Icon-B .png So you might actually even have a head start!
Icon-Barrel.png Whoa really?
Icon-SD.png Uh, I mean, technically.
Icon-B .png Could we have the honor of being on your team?
Icon-Barrel.png Hmm...

This chapter is a work in progress!
Come back later for more!